7 Foods That Help Soothe Eczema
Eczema is an inflammatory disorder of the skin. It causes the skin to feel dry and itchy. However, with the right measures, one can control the condition effectively. Now, there are many factors that influence reactions and cause triggers. Surprisingly enough, food is one of the triggers. In order to manage food triggers it is important to understand what foods cause it and which foods one must include to help soothe eczema.

- Omega-3 fatty acids
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate symptoms like dry skin that results from eczema flare-ups. Foods like fatty fish and chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. If one doesn’t get enough of these foods, they can even take fish oil supplements. - Anti-inflammatory
Inflammation is one of the key problems of eczema. Therefore, an anti-inflammatory diet proves to be helpful for this condition. Proteins, carbohydrates, and fresh vegetables help manage insulin levels, which, in turn, reduces inflammation. It is recommended to cut down on dairy and red meat. Instead, consuming fish, flax oil/seeds, and nuts can greatly contribute to the well-being of a person suffering from eczema. - Probiotics
Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help strengthen the immune system. This can reduce the number of flare-ups or allergic reactions that occur. Foods rich in probiotics include yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut. If one does not find or like these foods, they can opt for over-the-counter supplements that will help them with their probiotic intake. - Vitamins
Vitamins contain several properties, especially antioxidants, help improve the skin. Vitamin A, E, and D should be a part of every meal. One can get these vitamins from fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds. They can also consume vitamin supplements after consulting the doctor. - Flavonoids
Flavonoids have proven to improve overall skin health and have positive effects by reducing eczema, thus reducing histamine levels. As a result, the affected person can fight the infection better. Flavonoids help rebalance the immune system and reduce inflammation. Fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, apples, and berries are great supplements of flavonoids. - Potassium
Potassium in a diet can help minimize the symptoms of eczema. Sweet potatoes, avocados, and bananas are great sources of potassium. Less sugar, healthy fats, more vegetables, fiber, and whole grains can have a great impact. - Gluten-free
Subtracting gluten from one’s meal can result in better skin health. They can buy gluten-free foods from any store or substitute several of their regular ingredients. Many ingredients like wheat and rye have gluten-free substitutes. There are a number of gluten-free food delivery services available that send freshly cooked meals home.
These are some of the foods that have proven to be effective for eczema sufferers. However, it is best to ask a doctor for a diet plan if nothing seems to work.
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