Treating Peyronies Disease The Wise Way
And who says that only women are prone to health issues related to urology. There is a swath of disorders and disease that affect men’s health in a way that their personal life can get affected. Peyronie’s disease is one such traumatic condition that affects men’s genital part causing progressive inflammation to scars. However, Peyronie’s disease treatment is relative from patient to patient. Essentially the first twelve months from the occurrence is self-healing.

Around 65,000 men in the US are affected with this disease but most of the cases stay underground due to emotional and mental reasons. Whatever be it, everything that begets wellbeing should be immediately taken care of and this disease cannot go on unattended. Drugs are definitely the first take as a remedy option yet it depends on the severity of the situation. Oral vitamin E can also be considered due to its mild side effects. Placebo controls are also advisable yet it can take a toll on your stomach and your wallet. Tamoxifen is another remedy that works on the plaques in Peyronie’s disease. Colchicine and Carnitine are possibly better than placebo and have proven to work better in healing. One of the best oral agents being potassium aminobenzoate has turned out to be more or less successful in treating the disease. The remedies for this disease also include penile injection which might be applicable in the acute phase as per the FDA recommendation. Additionally, alternative treatments such as ultrasound, radiation, heat, stem cell treatment and verapamil are also being considered but yet to be recommended. Surgery is the final cut in case things have gone bad to worse disabling penile deformities. In recent times, electromotive drug administration is also being used as a remedy for the good reason that it’s painless.
Eventually, the outcome of these remedies is the call for any further action. One can judge by the degree of improvement and pathological results. In a nutshell, oral treatments should be first in the line followed by other remedies.